CTF hosts two charity golf tournaments each year as a fundraiser for CTF programs. CTF provides financial assistance to students, injured and fallen workers, and families who lose a home due to natural disaster. We offer a variety of sponsorship options to fit your budget. In-kind support is also appreciated: volunteers, silent auction donations, and goodies for golf swag bags are welcome and encouraged.
DIAMOND SPONSORSHIP ($20,000)- Only 2 Available!
- Company representative participates in welcome program at BOTH tournaments
- Up to sixteen (16) player entries (2 foursomes at BOTH tournaments)
- Table and chair at tee box at BOTH tournaments (first pick of hole assignment)
- Listed as presenting sponsor with company logo featured on event program, on-site signage at welcome and 19th hole reception at BOTH tournaments
- Company promoted as presenting sponsor on CTF homepage, event website, promotional emails and social media posts for BOTH tournaments
- Logo on solo slide in slideshow at 19th hole reception for BOTH tournaments Opportunity to provide swag for golfer goodie bags at BOTH tournaments
- Company acknowledged from the podium during welcome and 19th hole reception at BOTH tournaments
- On-course and reception banner placement (as provided by sponsor) at BOTH tournaments
- Golden Eagle Package for all players (2 drink tickets, mulligan, all on-course contests)
- Up to eight (8) player entries (1 foursome at each tournament) including breakfast and awards reception.
- Company name featured on event program and signage at BOTH tournaments
- Logo on solo slide in slideshow at awards reception at BOTH tournaments
- Company promoted as sponsor on event website, promotional emails and social media posts for BOTH tournaments
- Opportunity to provide swag for golfer goodie bags at BOTH tournaments
- Company acknowledged from the podium at awards reception at BOTH tournaments
- Golden Eagle Package for all players (2 drink tickets, mulligan, all on-course contests)
- Four Player entries (1 foursome) including breakfast and awards reception
- Company logo on signage at one tee box (CTF-assigned)
- Company Logo featured on event program, signage, and sponsor slide show
- Company promoted as sponsor on event website, promotional emails and social media posts
- Company acknowledged from podium at awards reception
- Two (2) player entries including breakfast and awards reception
- Company Logo featured on event program, signage, and sponsor slide show
- Company promoted as sponsor on event website, promotional emails and social media posts
- Company logo on signage at one green
- Company acknowledged from podium at awards reception
- Company name on centerpiece signage at reception
- Company logo listed as 19th hole host on signage at reception
- Company logo featured on event program, signage, and sponsor slide show
- Company promoted as sponsor on event website, promotional emails and social media posts
- Company acknowledged from podium at 19th hole reception
- Two (2) player entries including breakfast and reception
Bring the WOW factor to the tournament by sponsoring the innovative Drone Drive! The experienced flight crew will have the drone fly one golf ball for each team to the hole, and the team has the opportunity to drop the ball in the hole. Your sponsorship covers the up-front cost to bring this fundraiser to the tournament.
- Table and chair, signage as tee sponsor at Drone Drive hole
- Company logo on Drone Landing Mat
- Company logo featured on event program, signage, and sponsor slide show
- Company promoted as sponsor on event website, promotional emails and social media posts
- Company acknowledged from podium at 19th hole reception
- One (1) player entry with breakfast and reception
- Company signage with logo on drink cart on the course
- Cocktail napkins with your company logo at 19th hole reception
- Company name printed on drink tickets
- Table and Chair at 1 tee box (CTF-selected)
- Company listed as sponsor in event program and awards reception slide show
- One (1) player entry with breakfast and reception
- Company logo listed as breakfast buffet host at breakfast buffet
- Company logo labels on burritos
- Company listed as sponsor in event program and awards reception slide show
- One (1) player entry with breakfast and reception
This perennial player favorite is an on-course fun-raiser for CTF that lets players use an air cannon with special ball to try to hit the green.
- Table, chair and non-player registration with signage at tee box on bazooka hole
- Company logo on signage and drink barrel at bazooka hole
- Company listed as sponsor in event program and awards reception slide show
- One (1) player entry with breakfast and reception
- Table, chair and non-player registration with signage at tee box for 1 hole (CTF-selected)
- Company listed as sponsor in event program and awards reception slide show
- Logo on sign placed on green for 1 hole (CTF-selected)
- Company listed as sponsor in event program and awards reception slide show
Note: Bazooka and Drone drop on-course fundraiser participation are not included in Golden Eagle package but may be pre-purchased or purchased on-course as an add-on
CTF is a 501(c)3 charitable organization and a portion of your sponsorship is deductible as a charitable expense. CTF will provide you with a letter for tax purposes.
Have questions? Email us at [email protected]