Sponsor Registration

  • Includes up to 16 player entries (2 foursomes each tournament) with Golden Eagle package and all sponsor benefits listed above.

  • Includes up to 8 player entries (1 foursome each tournament) with Golden Eagle packages, and all benefits listed above.

  • Includes 4 player entries (1 foursome), breakfast and awards reception, and benefits as listed above. Golden Eagle Packages ARE NOT INCLUDED.

  • Includes 2 player entries, breakfast and awards reception, and benefits as listed above. Golden Eagle Packages ARE NOT INCLUDED.

  • 2 player entries included, and benefits as listed above.

  • 1 player entry included. Benefits listed above.

  • 1 player entry included. Benefits listed above.

  • 1 player entry included. Benefits listed above.

  • 1 player entry included. Benefits listed above.

  • No player entries included. Benefits listed above.

  • No player entries included. Benefits listed above.

Sponsor Player Registration Options

For sponsors to register their complimentary golfer(s). You will need to register each foursome at a time. Enter the coupon code upon checking out.

*GOLDEN EAGLE PACKAGE is complimentary with Legacy, Sustaining, Diamond, and Platinum Sponsorships. Includes 10 raffle tickets, Long Drive Contest, Closest to the Pin Contest, Putting Contest, 2 mulligans, and 2 drink tickets.

Sponsors who want to add on must do a separate transaction for their golfer(s).

  • For Sponsors to add-on an individual golfer.


Individual Player & Foursome Registration

  • 1 player entry with breakfast, awards reception.

  • 1 player entry with breakfast, awards reception.

  • 1 player entry with breakfast, awards reception.

  • 1 player entry with breakfast, awards reception.

Add On Packages

Help CTF fundraise on the course by purchasing your package ahead of time! We have three options to add on for each of your golfers.

  • *Included with Legacy, Sustaining Diamond and Platinum Sponsorships. Package includes 10 raffle tickets, Long Drive Contest, Closest to the Pin Contest, Putting Contest, 2 mulligans, and 2 drink tickets.
  • Enter quantities of 1 - 4 depending on players registering.

  • Includes 10 raffle tickets, Long Drive Contest, Closest to the Pin Contest, Putting Contest, 2 mulligans, and 2 drink tickets AND all on-course fundraisers- Bazooka, and Drone Drop.
  • Enter quantities of 1 - 4 depending on players registering.

  • Participate in CTF on-course fundraisers for one package price.
  • Enter quantities of 1 - 4 depending on players registering.

Social Media Sponsor Recognition

Enter your handle @company or put N/A if you do not have one.

Volunteer Details

Please provide your volunteer preferences including shift you are available, you can choose two if you would like to help out the whole day. We will provide volunteers breakfast and/or dinner at the 19th Hole Reception.

  • We need your help during registration and on the golf course! Morning and afternoon 4 hour shifts, breakfast and lunch included! Option to be a Hole in One witness, registration desk volunteer, Bazooka volunteer, set-up for reception and more!

Morning Shift at registration start time 7 a.m. set-up, 8 a.m. registration opens and ends at 9 a.m. We need help checking in golfers, selling raffle tickets and auction entries, and setting up auction area.

Afternoon on the Course Shift 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Options to help on the course selling entries for Golf Ball Bazooka, Beat the Pro, and raffle tickets.

Suggested Amounts

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software